Thursday, June 5, 2008

Selamat Tuai/Selamat Datang/Welcome

Welcome to Lemeting blogspot, the old name for Tinjar River .Consist of 17 longhouses namely ; 1. Lg Batan, 2. Lg Luyang, 3. Apau Gon,4. Lg Aya, 5. Lg Dunin, 6. Lg Lg Pelawai, 7. Lg Sobeng, Lg Aton, 9. Lg Nuah, 10.Lg Selapun, 11. Lg Pala, 12. Lg Lobang, 13. Lg Puah, 14. Lg Buken, 15. Lg Liau, 16. Lg Kerong, 17 Lg Sebatang, all in the upper reaches of Tinjar River.

Majority people live here are the Kenyah and Penan. The Cebup dialect is spoken mostly by everyone. The Kenyah Community along Tinjar River are united thru their long houses and their unique culture.

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